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Sunday 7 April 2013

Writing Fitness Practical Exercises eBook Free Download

Posted by HotterGaming at 22:17
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Writing Fitness Practical Exercises eBook

Free Download Writing Fitness Practical Exercises For Better Business Writing, this eBook will really help you in writing Formal bussiness letters, reports etc. As the name suggest, this eBook includes practical exercises to master Communication skills both formal and informal.


Are you a poor speller? Here’s an easy way to fix the proper spelling of a word in your mind. First, look up the problem word in the dictionary. Note that the word is broken down into syllables (psy•chol•o•gy). Look at the word; look at each syllable one at a time. Next say the word aloud, pronouncing each syllable (“sigh-kol-oh-gee”). Next, close your eyes and visualize the word in your mind’s eye. Again, say the word aloud. Finally, write the word correctly on a sheet of paper. If necessary, write the word several times.
The sentences below contain ten words commonly misspelled in business communication. Correctly spell the word in brackets. (Note: hyphens may or may not indicate missing letters.) Compare your answers with the correctly spelled words on the next page. Look up any words you misspelled. Memorize the correct spelling using the procedure outlined above.
  1. Your request is not (consist-nt) with company policy.
  2. The meeting will be in our branch office near the (capit-1) building.
  3. An (exten-ion) of benefits will be offered to all employees.
  4. Compensation and benefits are (sep-rate) issues.
  5. The new policy will (super-ede) the old one.
  6. Please refer to the instructions on the (pre-ding) page.
  7. The manager said that it (oc-ur-ed) to him that the employees needed more information about the project.
  8. What they (of-er-ed) was unacceptable.
  9. How will the new plan (ben-fit) the organization?
  10. Another study is an (un-ec-es-ary) way to spend money.

Direct Download Writing Fitness Practical Exercises eBook


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